
Ichelesi is the most recently renovated cottage available to stay in at Vrolijkheid.

It accommodates up to eight people. There are four bedrooms, two with a double bed and two with two single beds. The cottage also features an outside braai area and a swimming pool.

Electricity: Yes

Bathrooms: Two, with hot water showers

Kitchen: Stove, fridge, microwave, kettle, toaster

Bedding, linen and towels: Yes

Fireplace: Indoor fireplace and outside braai, grid available (no firewood allowed, only charcoal and eco-logs)

Disabled access: No

Pets welcome: No

Hot Tube: Yes

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Image related to website content
Image related to website content
Image related to website content


  • Description
  • Luiperd, Rooikat, & Ichelesi (3 units with a max of 8 people per unit)
  • Accommodates
  • 1- 4 persons per night (max of 8 people)
  • Additional p/p/n Off Peak
  • R350 (max 8 people)
  • Additional p/p/n Peak
  • n/a
  • Off-Peak Fee
  • R1 500
  • Peak Fee
  • R2 900

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Rv vrolijkheid DSC04640
Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve