All you need to know about permits
CapeNature is responsible for the administration and the issuing of many types of permits. Here is some information about the different types of permits we can help with and what you need to do in order to obtain a permit from CapeNature.
Please see below for our administration fees
Hiking permits

CapeNature manages large protected areas in the Western Cape and encourages hikers to enjoy the wild beauty of these areas.
You will need to obtain a permit to hike in most of our reserves that are accessible to the public. All hiking permit information is available on our reserve pages.
Enquiries can also be emailed to
Filming and event permits

The Western Cape is world-renowned for offering almost every cinematic location imaginable. CapeNature offers film producers a wide selection of the most breathtaking landscapes, including mountains, dams, waterfalls, rivers and roads.
The diverse landscapes of the province are also sought-after backdrops to various types of memorable events. We can assist you with getting approval to host your event in many of the CapeNature reserves.
Recreational fishing

Freshwater fishing for both alien and indigenous species is an extremely popular pastime in the Western Cape.
The Western Cape Nature Conservation Ordinance requires freshwater anglers over the age of six years old to have an angling licence to fish in public waters.
Hunting licences and permits

You need a valid hunting licence in order to hunt any protected wildlife during any hunting season. Some hunting methods are prohibited and/ or require special permission.
Wild animals in captivity

CapeNature is the regulatory authority in the Western Cape and it is our mandate to conserve and look after protected wild animals.
Permission for the ownership, sale and transportation of various species is awarded under strict governance. Contact us for more information.
Scientific research

In order to operate as efficiently as possible, CapeNature needs to have a record of all scientific research, collection projects or inventory collections undertaken in its nature reserves and, preferably, across the entire province (including private property).
Find out more about how to make an application to CapeNature for scientific research.
Protected and endangered plants

The Western Cape is home to a vast array of plant species, many of which are only found in small areas of the province. Many of these plants are endangered and CapeNature’s governance mandate aims to protect them against illegal trade.
Find out more about the harvesting or other activities that you need special permission for and how CapeNature can help you in this regard.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

CapeNature is the regulatory authority in the Western Cape for the issuing of permits related to the protection of animals and plants, hunting, and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
CapeNature strives to provide effective, fair and efficient administrative support, and monitor compliance in terms of all relevant environmental legislation, through its permits office.
Download the Nature Conservation Ordinance 19 of 1974 or read about how you can obtain further advice and support.