Keurbooms Scott Ramsay July 2020 34
Let’s make magic together
Marketing opportunities

Marketing opportunities

Do you need to get your brand seen? Do you need great exposure with a trusted and established player in the youth, nature conservation and community development space? Partner with us and let’s make magic together!

Contact us and let’s explore mutually beneficial marketing opportunities where our brands can meet and align.

Benefits of partnering with CapeNature

Image related to website content
  • Wide social media footprint
  • Extensive newsletter database
  • Regular media exposure
  • Visibility on CapeNature website
  • Complimentary accommodation vouchers
  • Access to a variety of outdoor filming locations
  • Exposure in CapeNature brochures
  • Signage and co-branding opportunities
  • On-site exposure via outdoor events partnerships

Distribution snapshot

Image related to website content
  • 25 CapeNature reserves
  • Seven CapeNature regional offices
  • Local tourism bureaus
  • Trade shows and exhibitions
  • 38 000 unique website users per month
  • 40 000 newsletter subscribers
  • 42 000 Facebook followers
  • 20 000 Instagram followers
  • 7 000 Twitter followers
  • Outdoor events partnerships

Get in touch today!