Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) permits
What type of activity requires a permit?
The import into, and export and re-export out of, South Africa’s international borders of any CITES-listed specimens (living or dead) requires the prior issuance of a CITES permit or certificate.
Why do I need a permit?
South Africa is a signatory to CITES and, as such, must comply with the import, export and re-export procedure as stipulated by CITES and in terms of the national CITES regulations. CapeNature is the CITES management authority for exports and re-exports out of, and imports into, the Western Cape from or to other countries.
Further details relating to CITES can be found at
How do I go about getting a permit?
Please be advised that as of 1 April 2023 the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has started implementing an e-permitting system to submit all CITES Appendix II applications online. You can register and apply here. Please select CapeNature as the provincial issuing authority when you submit your application.
How long will it take me to get a permit?
It takes 10 working days for a permit to be issued.
What is the cost of the permit?
- R400 per application
- R2 500 per CITES personal effects book
- R8 000 per year