Research and resource library

2023 State of Biodiversity Report
CapeNature has compiled State of Biodiversity reports every five years since 2002, and this is the fifth report. Building on the 2017 CapeNature State of Biodiversity Report, the last report published in the series, the 2023 Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report (2023 WC SOBR) covers the period from April 2017 to March 2023.
2024 State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health
The State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health) is produced every five years as stipulated by the National Environment Act. The first report for the Western Cape Government was produced in 2000. The 2024 report is the document through which the Department of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, will make its decisions over the next five years.

2025 World Wetlands Day Infographic
An informative infographic about how wetlands protect our future.
A framework to measure the wildness of managed large vertebrate populations
Conservation Biology. Child, M.F., Nel, L., Sellier, S.A.J., Power, J., Birss, C., Radloff, F.G.T., Taylor, A., Davies-Moster, H., Okes, N., Mallon, D., Hoffman, M. 2019.
A guide to the biological control of alien invasive Hakea species
A guide to the biological control of alien invasive Hakea species is a manual that allows you to identify the various Hakea species which are declared weeds in South Africa, identify all the biological control agents that are available for use, and how and when to implement these agents.

Activity booklet: Biodiversity (nature) – ages 6 to 10
This activity book is proudly brought to you by CapeNature and offers various activities around biodiversity. Here, you’ll participate in games that will teach you how to conserve our indigenous fishes and how lowland fynbos works.

Activity booklet: climate change – ages 13 to 16
What is the difference between the weather and the climate? What happens when the climate changes? In this booklet, you’ll find cool and fun activities such as word searches and puzzles to help you understand the difference between weather and climate.

Activity booklet: Fire – ages 3 to 8
Do you know the difference between good fires and bad fires? In this activity book, you’ll learn all about fire and how it affects our lives. Here, you’ll also find interactive games such as word search puzzles around fires.

Activity booklet: Water – ages 7 to 10
In our water-activity booklet, learners will discover fun and interesting water-based games they can play to enhance their general knowledge of water and its importance.

Activity: Colouring in – plant appreciation day
Enjoy colouring in these pictures of the unique plants found in the Western Cape!