Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan

Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan

Adopted on the 13th of December 2024 (Gazette Extraordinary 9017), the 2023 Western Cape Biodiversity Spatial Plan (WC BSP) is a provincial plan that is developed to inform the Provincial Protected Area Expansion Strategy, the Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) and policy and guideline development in terms of environmental legislation. The WC BSP contributes to decision-support systems informing environmental legislation development and strategic environmental assessments, and to inform biodiversity offsets. The primary focus of the WC BSP however is to guide land-use planning and decision making. 

The Spatial Informants that are provided along with the WC BSP are a product of a systematic biodiversity planning process that delineates the various Biodiversity Priority Area categories, including Critical Biodiversity Areas (CBAs) and Ecological Support Areas (ESAs), which need to be safeguarded. This mapping product, which consists of numerous maps, each incorporating multiple layers, is designed to provide spatial information and assist decision making regarding land use and environmental management.

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