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Explore CapeNature
Research and resource library

Research and resource library

Rapid recovery of macroinvertebrates in a South African stream treated with rotenone

Bellingan, T.A., Hugo, S., Woodford, D.J., Gouws, J., Villet, M.H. and Weyl, O.L.F. 2019.Hydrobiologia. 2019.

Reconstruction of the historical distribution ranges of imperilled stream fishes

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30:144–158. Chakona A, Gouws G, Kadye WT, Jordaan MS & Swartz ER. 2020.

Record of Blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus in the Eerste River catchment Western Cape Province South Africa

African J. Aquatic Sciences pp 187-193. Marr, S.M., Gouws, G., Avlijas, S., Khosa, D., Impson, D., vd Westhuizen, M. and Weyl, O. 2018

Regulations _ Farming Activities _ isiXhosa
Report on proposed baboon-fencing for Cape Peninsula
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Respect Nature with Mbali

Follow Danger Ranger Clint and Keen Conservationist Mbali as they investigate numerous crime scenes to bring the audience tips on how to respect nature. In episode one, the team investigates access and why it is important to access reserves legally while in episode 2 Each of the team explores how not to be trashy. The topic of how fire can be prevented is investigated in episode 3 and the series ends off with episode 4 as Clint and Mbali explore how to treat plants and animals when in nature areas. The four episodes are available in Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

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Respect Nature with Mbali _ Afrikaans Subtitled

Follow Danger Ranger Clint and Keen Conservationist Mbali as they investigate numerous crime scenes to bring the audience tips on how to respect nature. In episode one, the team investigates access and why it is important to access reserves legally while episode 2 Each of the team explores how not to be trashy. The topic of how fire can be prevented is investigated in episode 3 and the series ends off with episode 4 as Clint and Mbali explore how to treat plants and animals when in nature areas. The four episodes are available in Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

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Respect Nature with Mbali _ isiXhosa Subtitled

Follow Danger Ranger Clint and Keen Conservationist Mbali as they investigate numerous crime scenes to bring the audience tips on how to respect nature. In episode one, the team investigates access and why it is important to access reserves legally while episode 2 Each of the team explores how not to be trashy. The topic of how fire can be prevented is investigated in episode 3 and the series ends off with episode 4 as Clint and Mbali explore how to treat plants and animals when in nature areas. The four episodes are available in Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

Rethinking refuges: Implications of climate change for dam busting

Biological Conservation 209: 188–195. Beatty, S., Allen, M., Lymbery, A., Jordaan, M.S., Morgan, D., Impson, D., Marr, C., Ebner, B. and Weyl, O.L.F. 2017.

Robberg info sheet
Rocherpan info sheet