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Research and resource library

Research and resource library

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Taxonomy of the Capensibufo rosei group (Anura Bufonidae) from South Africa

Zootaxa 4232(2): 282-292. Channing, A., Measey, G.J., De Villiers, A.L., Turner, A. 2017

The implications of reclassification of South African wildlife species as farm animals

South African Journal of Science 116. Somers, M.J., Walters, M., Measey, J., Strauss, W.M., Turner, A.A., Venter, J.A., Nel, L., Kerley, G.I.H., Taylor, W.A. & Moodley, Y. 2020.

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The Language of Love, Like a Bird

Birds are not shy about making their intentions known. Male birds mostly have a huge variety of ways to signal that they are ready to find a partner. Signals can be through song, dance and even the offering of food.

The scientific value of UNESCO biosphere reserves

S Afr J Sci Pool-Stanvliet, R. & Coetzer, K. 2020.

Title Deeds

The following title deeds relate to the properties which form part of the Table Bay Nature Reserve.

Unexpected survival of sharptooth catfish during acute rotenone toxicity trials will complicate management of invasions.

Biological Invasions. Jordaan, M.S., Dalu, T., Wasserman, R.J., Slabbert, E. and Weyl, O.L.F. 2017.

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Video Marine Biodiversity Essential Estuaries Webinar

This interesting Webinar speaks to the importance of estuaries and why it is critical that we conserve them. Watch a panel of specialists speak about this critical topic. 

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Video Marine Biodiversity Penguin Palooza 2020

Learn all about the importance of penguins and watch a penguin release from the view point of these incredible birds. 

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Video Marine Biodiversity World Fisheries Day Fisheries Under Threat 2019

Learn why our fisheries are under threat and what is being done to save them in this fun video filmed on World Fisheries Day 2019.

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Video Series – Heritage and Conservation

This series of 9 videos includes a variety of topics on the history of conservation over the years. Each video is available in English and with Afrikaans and isiXhosa Subtitles.

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Video Webinar: Biodiversity World Ranger Day 2020

Learn about the important work that rangers do, the threats to biodiversity and what can be done to conserve it. Also learn what the day in the life of a field ranger is about.