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Explore CapeNature
Research and resource library

Research and resource library

Western Cape Province's Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1974

The Western Cape Nature Conservation Board is established as a juristic entity in terms of the Western Cape Biodiversity Act, 2021. CapeNature is governed by this Board, which is CapeNature's accounting authority.

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Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971 and the day was first celebrated in 1997. This day is celebrated to raise public awareness about the importance and value of wetlands. The theme for these year “Wetlands and Wellbeing.”

Whale Trail and De Hoop Inforsheet
What is the shot-hole Borer?
who to call for fire alert
WWild Card Application Form 2023 - 2024
Wild Card Application Form 2023 - 2024
Wild Card Current Rates
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World Water Day

World Water Day is celebrated annually on 22 March. This day highlights a specific aspect of water which in 2024 will be “Leveraging Water for Peace”.

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World Wildlife Day

March 3 is World Wildlife Day. It is a United Nations International day to celebrate all the world's wild animals and plants and the contribution that they make to our lives and the health of the planet.

Your field guide to tortoise awareness

The tortoise is a terrestrial reptile and the world is home to a total of about 43 species. South African has 13 species and 8 are found in the Western Cape alone.