Research and resource library
Effect of an intensive mechanical removal effort on a population of non-native rainbow trout in a SA headwater stream.
Invasions by non‐native species can compromise the conservation value of otherwise pristine headwater streams. While both developed and developing countries recognize this threat, few of the latter have suitable budgets to implement control programmes.
Shelton, J., Weyl, O., Van der Walt, J., Marr, S., Impson D., Maciejewski K., Dallas, H., Tye, D. and Esler, K. 2017.

Energy: LoveNature with Mbali
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on energy, from Natural Sciences to Technology subject matter. Learn about what the energy chain is, what renewable and non-renewable energy sources are and even how electricity works! These videos are fully aligned to the curriculum of topics covered in the classroom. Available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

Energy: LoveNature with Mbali _ Afrikaans
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on energy, from Natural Sciences to Technology subject matter. Learn about what the energy chain is, what renewable and non-renewable energy sources are and even how electricity works! These videos are fully aligned to the curriculum of topics covered in the classroom. Available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

Energy: LoveNature with Mbali _ isiXhosa
Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on energy, from Natural Sciences to Technology subject matter. Learn about what the energy chain is, what renewable and non-renewable energy sources are and even how electricity works! These videos are fully aligned to the curriculum of topics covered in the classroom. Available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.
Environmental authorisation for common farming activities _ English
A handy guideline for farmers indicating when one needs environmental authorisation for common farming activities.

Episode 1: Nurturing Nature, Nurturing Communities
From mountain peaks to coastal caves, CapeNature is forging partnerships with local communities to create thriving eco-tourism destinations. Together, we're conserving our natural heritage and empowering local communities to benefit from sustainable tourism. We're diving into a topic that resonates deeply with our global community for World Tourism Day 2024: Tourism and Peace.
FAQs - The Cape Peninsula Baboon Management Joint Task Team and Baboon Strategic Management Plan
Your Frequently Asked Questions on the CPBMJTT and Baboon Management Plan answered.
FAQs: Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)
RHD is a deadly disease of rabbits and hares (lagomorphs) that has not been reported in South Africa before 2022.

Fire preparedness
It only takes one spark to start a wildfire that can quickly expand over thousands of hectares, endangering lives, properties, livelihoods and biodiversity. This is how you can prepare to be fire-ready.

Flipchart: fire awareness
There are two kinds of fire: useful fires and harmful (or dangerous) fires. We use useful fires to cook, keep us warm or braai. Harmful fires, on the other hand, can cause serious damage to lives and livelihoods, including causing the death of animals or burning down homes.