State of Conservation Report 2021
CapeNature has just released the second annual State of Conservation Report. The entity endeavours to provide annual snapshots of the conservation status of species and ecosystems, highlighting achievements and impacts, through this report.
Every five years, as mandated by the newly assented Western Cape Biodiversity Act, CapeNature publishes the Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report, which is informed by the State of Conservation Reports of the preceding years.
CapeNature acknowledges the outcomes of the COP26 and the IUCN World Conservation Congress, which emphasises that the climate and biodiversity emergencies are two aspects of one crisis. In support of the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, CapeNature underscores a shift from “maintaining” to “redress and restore”, focussing on improving the status of ecological infrastructure for the provision of ecosystem services to support the economic recovery of the province.
Click here to download the report