Nature Camp Concessionaire Opportunity
CapeNature would like to expand its suite of products to include facilitated overnight camps for adults, children and families (separate camps for each) at its Eco-venues, both dorm and conferencing options. Future venues could include camp sites, cottages and other CapeNature tourism products.
The project will fall under the #LoveNature co-brand which aims to better connect people to nature through facilitation and making meaningful connections while in nature. A concessionaire will be brought onboard to facilitate and manage the programme in conjunction with CapeNature.
CapeNature’s primary objective for the programme is to generate income through ticket sales. Secondary objectives are to increase the occupancy of the existing Eco-venues and for the programmes to act as a catalyst for people to fall in love with nature and to truly connect with it.
Target audience
The initial camps are proposed to be aimed at children ages 9 – 12, and potentially families with the vision of extending to an adult market in future. Children's camps will be more educational and adventurous in nature while adult programmes will be geared towards teambuilding for corporates and wellness events. Bidders are welcome to put forward their own proposals with regards to target audiences.
Currently, CapeNature's Eco-venues are underused, and this programme will afford the opportunity for these to be used more frequently and for the purpose for which they were built. The venue/s will be block booked in advance depending on the winning bidder's proposal requirements. Potberg Eco-Venue has been recommended for the pilot project but bidders are invited to put forward any of the Eco-venues as a starting point.
Apart from Potberg at De Hoop also see Ironwood and Forest Emperor Eco-Venues at Grootvadersbosch Nature Reserve and Goshawk Eco-Venue at Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve.
Bidders may propose a preferred venue/s from the list above.
Transport and meals
Pricing must include all logistics such as meals, snacks, activities (on-reserve), equipment, staffing and optional transport operations from George and Cape Town. CapeNature envisions offering an optional transport service from these bases to the eco-venue. Proposals may contain different options for consideration by CapeNature.
Camp duration and dates
A survey with existing clients has shown that a duration of 4 days, 3 nights was the most popular choice for children’s camps. The concessionaire may propose a different duration. The proposal should also include the intended dates or period of use e.g. school holiday period June and December or 3 months permanently e.g. October to December or ad hoc. Proposals should include the number of proposed camps per year.
Camp content
CapeNature will consider a variety of camp options such as teambuilding, wellness events, survival skills, environmental education activities and hiking. Themed camps can also be considered.
CapeNature will not provide any additional infrastructure for the camps. The camp content must be tailored around existing infrastructure but may also include day trips to nearby facilities to include other activities, if needed. Adult camp content for teambuilding or wellness retreats and similar may also be proposed.
Roles and responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined in proposals. Below are the expectations of the concessionaire and the services and infrastructure that CapeNature will provide:
Concessionaire responsibilities-
• Advertising and marketing of camps.
• Coordinating bookings, indemnities, and applications.
• Providing and coordinating transport options for participants if needed.
• Providing catering for the duration of the camp inclusive of at least 3 main meals per day.
• All equipment not provided for onsite.
• Providing and coordinating activities – external and on-reserve.
• Cost calculations and breakdown for each camp.
• Cleaning of the venue before and after the camp, including staff and materials to do so.
• Providing staff for the duration of the camp, with a strict 1:5 child ratio. Adult ratios are flexible and at the discretion of the concessionaire. Staff must be checked and have no criminal record.
• Providing facilitation for the duration of the camp.
• Conceptualising content for camps.
• Full project management from concept to post-service.
• Provision of reports.
CapeNature responsibilities-
• Provide the accommodation (Eco-Venue) for the duration of the camp.
• Be responsible for any maintenance or repairs on the accommodation incurred during the camp and ensure the venue is in good order at all times.
• Provide all equipment including cutlery, pots, pans, crockery, bedding, projectors required for the camp (see existing Eco-Venue items and infrastructure).
• Support advertising campaigns for the camps on CapeNature's social media platforms, website, newsletters, on-reserve TV screens and press statements. Content and images must be supplied by the concessionaire.
• Provide free entry into the reserve for staff and children participating as well as access to free activities on the reserve (e.g. hiking trails, bird hides, pool) etc.
Profit sharing / Financials / Agreement
An initial agreement will be signed for a one-year period to pilot and test the project. Based on the success of the programme, a renewal for 3 years can be considered, and parties can re-negotiate the terms as required.
A profit-share is envisioned but concessionaires are invited to make proposals in terms of income generation streams for both parties.
Proposals must include the following
• Company details including experience with events and similar programmes.
• Organogram of the current company structure.
• Portfolio of evidence: Showing at least 3 (three) years past experience in running a similar venture.
• Staffing proposal including qualifications and details of company staff and camp leaders, ratio’s etc.
• Detailed conceptualisation and logistics including roles and responsibilities of each party, duration, target audiences, meals, cleaning and venue/s, applications, dates/intended period of use, bookings, and proposed reports.
• Proposed camp content. Two programmes/lesson plans with examples reflecting activities, proposed itinerary, resources needed and other relevant details.
• Transportation details
• Health and safety plan including indemnities and other considera-tions.
• Marketing and advertising plan. Provide clarification if there are any existing customer databases. Include social media platform presence and details.
• Booking facilitation structure and roll-out implementation plan.
• Detailed costing and profit share proposal.
• Future considerations and projected project growth (e.g. Year 1 children’s camps December; Year 2 children’s camps December and June as well as introduction of adult wellness camps 2 x per year).
• Basic Project Plan from award to delivery.
• Two to three references from clients who this service or a similar service was rendered to.
Submission, site visits and meetings
An online meeting will be scheduled for Wednesday, 6 December 2023 at 11h00 to answer any questions bidders may have. Site visits will take place during the first two weeks in December for bidders that wish to do an onsite inspection/visit.
Please email Natanya Dreyer on ndreyer@capenature.co.za if you would like an invitation to the online meeting by Monday, 4 December 2023. She can also be emailed for any further enquiries.
CLOSING DATE FOR PROPOSALS: 12 noon on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 (please send your proposal and files via WeTransfer to learning@capenature.co.za)
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