Baboon rangers secured for December
The Cape Peninsula Baboon Management Joint Task Team (CPBMJTT) consisting of representatives from SANParks, CapeNature, and the City of Cape Town, wants to inform communities from baboon-affected areas that NCC Environmental Services will be providing baboon ranger services during December. Read more below:
The City of Cape Town has appointed NCC through a Request for Quotation process to ensure a presence of baboon rangers from 1 December until 31 December 2024 in an effort to keep troops out of the urban area and in their natural environment as far as possible. Due to limited funding, the number of rangers monitoring the troops during this time will be less than before. As such, residents and businesses are kindly advised to please practise responsible waste management at all times and be vigilant.
The CPBMJTT can confirm that other processes are under way to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable urban baboon programme, which involves communities, as well as the parties to the CPBMJTT.
These processes are:
- To appoint a contractor for a 12-month period, on a month-to-month basis, as an interim solution
- A partnership with a non-profit organisation that can receive grant funding from the CPBMJTT partners, as well as funding, sponsorships and donations from external sources such as affected communities, businesses and the general public as the longer term solution. It is foreseen that the NPO will perform selected operational and other tasks needed in implementing the Baboon Strategic Management Plan.
The CPBMJTT wants to thank affected communities for their ongoing support. We will keep the public informed of our progress in finalising the above processes.
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