Concessionaire opportunities for activity based operators
CapeNature has identified activity-based tourism as an exciting new business sector and invites operators to submit proposal for consideration. We hereby request potential new business partners, concessionaires, and/or service providers operating within the adventure, cultural and heritage, and events sectors to submit detailed business proposals for keen consideration.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Concessionaire Opportunities Activities: Adventure, Culture, Heritage and Events |
Background | CapeNature invites prospective parties within the adventure, cultural and heritage, and events sectors to submit a detailed business proposal. The expression of interest call is based on CapeNature’s annual strategic plan. All the nature reserves can be viewed at https://www.capenature.co.za/reserves |
Requirements |
Proposal | Proposals must include:
*Include all necessary documents and certification in the appendix |
Key Contacts | On-site meetings at reserves, must be pre-arranged. For all enquiries or arranging for a site visit to the reserve, please contact Mr Ryan Ladegourdie on 087 087 3841. |
Proposal delivery and closing date | Closing date for proposals is 30th September 2024 @ 12:00. Proposals must be submitted via Wetransfer to the email address rladegourdie@capenature.co.za All proposals must be confirmed separately on email Physical and Postal address: CapeNature Regional Office 16 17th Avenue Voëlklip Hermanus 7200 |
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