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Upcoming Enviromental Dates and events Aug 2024 – Oct 2024

26 Aug 2024

1 August

Marine Protected Areas Day

Marine Protected Areas Day falls on 1 August each year and is used to create awareness about our Marine Protected Areas and how important they are.

CapeNature manages six marine protected areas on behalf of the National Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment: Oceans and Coast, namely Robberg, Goukamma, Stilbaai, De Hoop, Betty’s Bay and Rocherpan. We also look after ecosystems and species outside these areas. A very important part of our work is also protecting threatened freshwater and marine species from poaching.

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21 -27 September 2024

Access Week

This year will be CapeNature’s 10th year providing free access to the public at selected nature reserves for one week.

CapeNature celebrates its 10th annual Access Week between the 21st and 27th of September 2024 this year. The public are invited to access any one of the selected nature reserves across the Western Cape for free during this time. Visitors will be allowed day entry at no cost to enjoy walking, hiking, bird watching, swimming and mountain biking.

This year, CapeNature is celebrating a decade (10 years) of providing free access to communities and the public. Each year, CapeNature offers a variety of community groups the opportunity to participate in facilitated programmes. Connection with nature is enhanced through a series of smartly structured activities.

If groups are interested in facilitated access, they can contact the Learning and Awareness team at and for more information one can visit

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September 2024

Don’t Be Trashy Drive

The #DontBeTrashy Drive will be held from September 1st to 30th and includes National Clean-Up Day and International Coastal Clean-Up Day. We encourage communities to participate in community clean-ups across the Western Cape.

CapeNature’s annual DontBeTrashy Drive will be held between September 1st to 30th, incorporating National Clean-Up Day and International Coastal Clean-Up Day. This anti-litter and waste-reduction programme affords everyone the opportunity to do their part by participating in a beach or community clean-up during this time.

CapeNature is happy to provide the gloves and garbage bags for your clean-up, so let us know if you are interested and we will hook you up! Email

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Individual Action Projects

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Group Action Projects

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