Update on upcoming transitioning period, Cape Peninsula Baboon Advisory Group
The Cape Peninsula Baboon Management Joint Task Team (CPBMJTT) consisting of representatives from SANParks, CapeNature, and the City of Cape Town, wants to inform communities from baboon-affected areas that options are being initiated to enable a presence of baboon rangers during the upcoming transitioning period. In addition, if all goes as planned, the Cape Peninsula Baboon Advisory Group will be formally established next month. Read more below:
In June 2024, the CPBMJTT hosted engagements with communities from baboon-affected areas about the Cape Peninsula Baboon Strategic Management Plan (CPBSMP), its implementation, and the development of area-based solutions in cooperation with the individual communities.
The undertaking was to report back to communities about the transitioning period, which will commence at midnight on 31 December 2024 when the contract with NCC Environmental Services comes to an end. Over the past few years, NCC has been contracted by the City to manage the Urban Baboon Programme, including the provision of baboon rangers to keep troops out of the urban area and in their natural environment as far as possible.
The CPBMJTT can confirm as follows:
- Options have been reviewed and supply-chain processes are being initiated in order to enable a presence of baboon rangers in affected communities in coming months
- A short-term solution will address the December period as the current Urban Baboon Programme is winding down from the end of November 2024 onwards
- An interim solution will address the transitioning period starting on 1 January 2025
- The longer term options under consideration include a grant-in-aid with a non-profit organisation (NPO) or the creation of a special purpose vehicle to assist with the implementation of the area-based solutions and other tasks that must a) operationalise the Baboon Strategic Management Plan and b) ensure the transitioning to a more sustainable urban baboon programme which involves communities, as well as the parties to the CPBMJTT
- The details of the longer term solution will be communicated once finalised
Cape Peninsula Baboon Advisory Group (CPBAG)
The CPBMJTT received over 120 nomination forms for representatives to serve on the CPBAG and is currently assessing these.
The organisations and groups that submitted nominations that meet the nomination criteria to serve on the CPBAG will be informed of the outcome of their submissions and the inaugural CPBAG meeting in due course. The intention is to establish the CPBAG as soon as possible to ensure continuous engagement as we are approaching the transitioning period.
The CPBAG members will represent their respective communities, academic and research institutions, and organisations from the Cape Peninsula with a direct interest in baboon management.
The CPBAG is to advise the CPBMJTT on achieving the intended outcomes as stipulated in the CPBSMP; support its implementation on a local area level; ensure ongoing and constructive engagement between the constituencies and the CPBMJTT; and assist in developing strategic partnerships with stakeholders.
Annual Chacma baboon population count
The latest annual census of the baboon population has been concluded. This census provides a detailed breakdown of the changes in the baboon population between July 2023 and June 2024.
The report for 2023/24 is available as follows:
- CapeNature – https://bit.ly/47c1mOd
- City of Cape Town – https://bit.ly/3Xm5o4k
- SANParks – https://bit.ly/3sb9mQJ
For more information contact: cpbmjtt@capenature.co.za
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