Brown Booby
6 May 2024
Rare Visitors to Bird Island

Bird Island became one of the West Coast’s favourite Birding spots during the festive period of December 2023 to January 2024.

Pengiun Article
24 Apr 2024
Collaborative Conservation benefits the Stony Point African Penguin Colony

In the heart of Betty’s Bay lies the Stony Point African Penguin colony, a critical breeding ground for these beloved seabirds. This colony has become a beacon of hope thanks to the collaborative efforts of several key partners: CapeNature, SANCCOB, Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT)/African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-SA), and the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve. Together, these entities have implemented an integrated programme that has positively impacted the local penguin population.

Tegan Smith Photography Stony Point Penguin1
17 Nov 2021
CapeNature’s Stony Point now daily on WildEarth TV

“Penguin Beach” is an expert-hosted live and interactive experience with the colony of penguins. Viewers can follow regular characters within this colony in real time and ask the experts of CapeNature and WildEarth questions via Twitter and a chat option. This one of a kind LIVE experience on WildEarth allows viewers to watch it daily throughout the year, following specific characters as they grow from being newborns to fully fledged adults.

IMG 1377
5 Sep 2021
International Vulture Awareness Day, 4 September 2021

04 September marks International Vulture Awareness Day. Vultures have always had a bad rep – think Lion King? Meanwhile, vultures are nature’s essential workers. As scavengers, they are part of a clean-up crew that mop up carcasses and other organic waste, preventing the spread of diseases such as anthrax and botulism!