Care for nature

World Oceans Day 2024 - understanding our impact on the ocean
The link between oceans and the land is often not well understood. People describe the ocean as that massive water space out there. Little do they know that where they live and how they live actually impacts on this ocean, so much so that they, in their small way, can contribute to a healthy ocean or a polluted ocean.

CapeNature shines bright at WTM as attendance grows
World Travel Market (WTM) Africa concluded with impressive momentum, reflecting a 53% increase in attendees, indicating robust growth in African tourism.

Rare plant monitoring at Waterval Nature Reserve
Waterval Nature Reserve is home to an incredible variety of special plant species, one of which is the Critically Endangered Sorocephalus imbricatus. One of the populations is very heavily overgrown with Pinus pinaster.

CapeNature’s Stony Point now daily on WildEarth TV
“Penguin Beach” is an expert-hosted live and interactive experience with the colony of penguins. Viewers can follow regular characters within this colony in real time and ask the experts of CapeNature and WildEarth questions via Twitter and a chat option. This one of a kind LIVE experience on WildEarth allows viewers to watch it daily throughout the year, following specific characters as they grow from being newborns to fully fledged adults.

CapeNature and Dyer Island Conservation Trust – Strategic partnership yields multiple conservation benefits in the Overberg region
The African penguin is on the brink of possible extinction in the wild within the next decade. Partnerships are vital in the ongoing effort to stabilise the African penguin population numbers.
Focus on spiders
Halloween, with its focus on terrifying creatures such as spiders, is just behind us. It’s a good time to think about our attitudes to spiders and some of the reasons to protect rather than kill them.

CapeNature urges the public to practice fire safety this fire season
CapeNature responded to 76 fires resulting in 31 198.7 hectares of natural and other veld burnt during the 2020/21 fire season. As we enter the 2021/22 fire season, CapeNature appeals to the public to help prevent fires and report smoke or fire.

Meet the winner of our "Interview with a tree" competition
The judges had a difficult decision to make, but the results are in, and we are delighted to announce the winner of this competition.
International Vulture Awareness Day, 4 September 2021
04 September marks International Vulture Awareness Day. Vultures have always had a bad rep – think Lion King? Meanwhile, vultures are nature’s essential workers. As scavengers, they are part of a clean-up crew that mop up carcasses and other organic waste, preventing the spread of diseases such as anthrax and botulism!

African Medicinal Plant Day _ 31st August 2021
Human relationships with plants date back for centuries. Plants support life on earth provides habitat for animals and can be a source of medicine, with many healing capabilities. Many of the African continent’s population rely on traditional medicine for their basic health needs. CapeNature is proud of the relationships it has fostered with local communities surrounding the reserves who source their own medicine via plants

CapeNature joins the "Plant a million trees" movement
CapeNature has joined a global-urban and community greening movement called ‘Plant One Million Trees’. Typically, these are linked to days on the environmental calendar such as Arbour Day, Plant Appreciation Day, Biodiversity Day, Earth Day and World Environment Day. This initiative seeks to boost these successes and bring them under one banner known as the Plant a Million Trees Campaign.

The Critically Endangered Caledon Conebush
The critically endangered Caledon conebush, Leucadendron salteri subsp. elimense, occurs in an area of less than 9 km², in four small, severely fragmented subpopulations. It continues to decline due to alien plant invasion, ongoing habitat loss to agriculture, and wildflower harvesting.