Robberg High Res Scott Ramsay 26
6 Sep 2021
Celebrating the golden years in nature!

When last did you experience spectacular views, peaceful tranquillity or making fond memories with the grandkids? Reward yourself and your loved ones with our awesome breakaway in the wide open spaces of nature using your CapeNature 30% seniors discount throughout the year.

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5 Sep 2021
International Vulture Awareness Day, 4 September 2021

04 September marks International Vulture Awareness Day. Vultures have always had a bad rep – think Lion King? Meanwhile, vultures are nature’s essential workers. As scavengers, they are part of a clean-up crew that mop up carcasses and other organic waste, preventing the spread of diseases such as anthrax and botulism!

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2 Sep 2021
CapeNature offers FREE entry to 22 Nature Reserves

September marks Tourism Month and CapeNature invites you to join in the celebrations. The entity will provide free day access to the public during its 7th annual Access Week, from 13 - 20 September 2021 to a selected number of reserves.

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1 Sep 2021 by Edith Henn
African Medicinal Plant Day _ 31st August 2021

Human relationships with plants date back for centuries. Plants support life on earth provides habitat for animals and can be a source of medicine, with many healing capabilities. Many of the African continent’s population rely on traditional medicine for their basic health needs. CapeNature is proud of the relationships it has fostered with local communities surrounding the reserves who source their own medicine via plants

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31 Aug 2021
Interview a tree and win big!

Kids – got something to say?

In celebration of Arbour Day 2021, CapeNature is giving away an outdoor solar pack to lucky winners with its Interview with a Tree competition. Kids play the part of the interviewee and get your friends, sibling, parent, or teacher to play the part of the tree.

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31 Aug 2021
CapeNature joins the "Plant a million trees" movement

CapeNature has joined a global-urban and community greening movement called ‘Plant One Million Trees’. Typically, these are linked to days on the environmental calendar such as Arbour Day, Plant Appreciation Day, Biodiversity Day, Earth Day and World Environment Day. This initiative seeks to boost these successes and bring them under one banner known as the Plant a Million Trees Campaign.

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27 Aug 2021 by Pierre De Villiers, Senior Manager: Marine and Coasts, CapeNature.
Estuaries Between Drought and Flood

The Western Cape has just emerged from, in some areas, up to an eight-year drought cycle. This is linked to bigger global oceanic and climatic conditions. The poor rainfall resulted in low freshwater flows in the rivers and very little freshwater reaching the estuaries which are the receiving environment of the freshwater flows left in the rivers after abstraction and use in the catchment.

Female Flower head A Brink
25 Aug 2021
The Critically Endangered Caledon Conebush

The critically endangered Caledon conebush, Leucadendron salteri subsp. elimense, occurs in an area of less than 9 km², in four small, severely fragmented subpopulations. It continues to decline due to alien plant invasion, ongoing habitat loss to agriculture, and wildflower harvesting.

Alex Harris photo by Reble X Photography
19 Aug 2021
Western Cape Protected Area Expansion Strategy 2021-2025

A strong network of private and state protected areas has proved to be an important mechanism to conserve biodiversity and improve land management.

Respect Nature website format
18 Aug 2021
New quirky series gives you the lowdown on how to Respect Nature

Ever booked accommodation or a camp site at a CapeNature reserve? Then you would know that we try to equip you as best we can before your arrival with lots of information. Amongst these would be the do’s and don’ts when in a nature reserve. However, not all of us are avid readers and sometimes these very important messages get lost in emails. The result is that we still find visitors littering, starting illegal fires and trespassing a number of “rules”.

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6 Aug 2021
CapeNature introduces the newest conservation kid on the block

CapeNature launched the brand new “LoveNature with Mbali” educational animated series today. Learners from Grade 4 to 7 can follow the live protagonist, Mbali, a 13-year old nature lover and her side-kick, the CapeNature Bot as they explore various conservation related topics. And what is more, the content is fully curriculum aligned.

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2 Aug 2021 by David Naude
A Guide to Rocklands

For newcomers, Rocklands can be an intimidating place. Situated 25 minutes from the town of Clanwilliam, Rocklands can be viewed as rather remote. However, with the right information on accommodation facilities, rest day activities and grocery options. Rocklands can become much more accessible for everybody!