People and conservation

CapeNature and NRF-SAIAB Team Up for Marine Conservation in De Hoop MPA
In celebration of Marine Protected Area Day, celebrated annually on August 1, CapeNature and the National Research Foundation (NRF) are proud to highlight their ongoing efforts to protect marine life through the Acoustic Tracking Array Platform (ATAP) in the Western Cape’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

CapeNature Conservation Review 2024 brings excellence in sustainable conservation practices to the forefront
CapeNature showcased its achievements realised through its dedication to fostering sound governance, innovative eco-tourism offerings, successful conservation operations, and exceptional biodiversity protection at its CapeNature Conservation Review 2024.

CapeNature attends Africa’s Travel Indaba in Durban
CapeNature’s participation at the recent Africa Travel Indaba in Durban marked a significant milestone in promoting sustainable tourism and conservation initiatives. The event, which drew industry leaders and stakeholders from across the globe, provided an excellent platform for CapeNature to showcase its commitment to conserving the Western Cape's natural beauty while fostering economic growth through eco-tourism.
Another first for the Cape mountain zebra genetic rescue project
The Cape mountain zebra known as GB42 has had an exciting year! In January, this stallion from Gamkaberg Nature Reserve sired a foal with genetic material from two of the three genetically distinct stocks of the species. In March, there was proof that 2023 was a busy year for GB42 after a second foal was born with genes from all three stocks.

A Call for Responsible Engagement with Cape Fur Seals
CapeNature would like to shed light on a matter of growing concern within the region, especially the areas surrounding Cape Town - human-wildlife interactions, specifically those involving Cape fur seals.

Monitoring of Critically Endangered Geometric Tortoise
The geometric tortoise (Psammobates geometricus), classified as Critically Endangered, ranks among the top 25 most imperilled tortoises and turtles globally. Its future remains uncertain, with an estimated wild population of fewer than 3000. This species is highly specialised in its habitat requirements, historically found in the low-lying renosterveld shrublands of the Swartland, Upper Breede River Valley, and Ceres Valley.

Safeguarding Ecological Infrastructure Against Invasive Alien Plant Species
Invasive alien plant species are one of the main causes of biodiversity loss and threaten many indigenous species. To address this issue, government laws, specifically the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983 (Act NO. 43 of 1983) and the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act NO. 10 of 2004), legally obligate landowners to monitor, control, and eradicate alien invasive plants.
Collaboration for Conservation Allowed for the Release of a Cape Vulture to the Potberg Colony
A joint initiative between VulPro, Cango Wildlife Ranch, and CapeNature results in the triumphant rehabilitation and release of a Cape Vulture.VulPro, based on the outskirts of Hartebeespoort Dam in the Northwest Province, is a specialised vulture conservation organisation that also undertakes specialist rehabilitation of vultures. VulPro collects injured or grounded birds from every corner of South Africa in an effort to reduce losses - giving each bird a second chance of release and survival.

African Medicinal Plant Day _ 31st August 2021
Human relationships with plants date back for centuries. Plants support life on earth provides habitat for animals and can be a source of medicine, with many healing capabilities. Many of the African continent’s population rely on traditional medicine for their basic health needs. CapeNature is proud of the relationships it has fostered with local communities surrounding the reserves who source their own medicine via plants

A Guide to Rocklands
For newcomers, Rocklands can be an intimidating place. Situated 25 minutes from the town of Clanwilliam, Rocklands can be viewed as rather remote. However, with the right information on accommodation facilities, rest day activities and grocery options. Rocklands can become much more accessible for everybody!

The Rocklands rally and some 2021 season highlights
The 2021 Rocklands season has seen some amazing sends and memorable events that have made this predominantly local season one for the history books!

An Adventure at the Wolfberg Cracks
The Wolfberg Cracks, or how my friends and I call it - The March To The Arch.