Goukamma MPA 4
22 Oct 2020
Communities and Conservation working together for sustainable oceans
Marine clean
14 Oct 2020
Marine Month 2020 - Help to keep our oceans clean
African Penguin
10 Oct 2020
African Penguin Awareness Day 2020
9 Oct 2020
Marine Month 2020 - creating opportunities for young people through conservation
Keurbooms Scott Ramsay July 2020 176
28 Sep 2020
CapeNature's tourism offerings boost local economies
IMG 0808
25 Sep 2020
International Coastal Cleanup Day 2020 - Trashy seas made clean
Kogelberg Nature Reserve copyright Scott Ramsay 63
16 Sep 2020
CapeNature Weekly Bulletin
Robberg Scott Ramsay min 2
11 Sep 2020
Get FREE entry to nature during the 6th annual CapeNature Access Week
Marloth Scott Ramsay min
7 Sep 2020
FREE Access Week back this September 2020!
IMG 3826
1 Sep 2020
We're getting back to our roots - celebrating Arbour Week 2020
Keurbooms Scott Ramsay July 2020 98
21 Aug 2020
CapeNature reserves now open for overnight bookings
Western Leopard Toad
20 Aug 2020
Dr Andrew Turner speaking about the endangered Western Leopard Toad