Figure 3 Cape Gannets
25 Jul 2023 by Jillian Fredericks, Ecological Intern, Biodiversity Capabilities
From Laws to Conservation: Protecting Seabirds in South Africa’s Coastal Waters

Seabird protection in South Africa is ensured through the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), and the Sea birds and Seals Protection Act (No. 46 of 1973). These laws specifically address the conservation of biodiversity and safeguarding marine habitats and their inhabitants. The marine environment, covering 70% of the Earth’s surface, plays a vital role in supporting diverse species and providing valuable ecosystem services.

African penguin DHNR decoy
11 Jul 2023 by Marienne de Villiers, CapeNature Ecologist Fauna
Marine Protected Areas With a Focus on the De Hoop Marine Protected Area

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are crucial for safeguarding species and maintaining the balance of ecosystems. They also contribute to the sustainability of fisheries, which in turn supports livelihoods and boosts the economy. In South Africa, at least 3.6 million people depend on coastal food resources for subsistence, MPAs are managed through the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act No. 57 of 2003) and associated regulations. CapeNature oversees six of the 13 MPAs along the Western Cape coast, including the De Hoop MPA.

Gamkaberg Nature Reserve 1
10 Jul 2023
Five CapeNature Reserves to Visit for Wellness

Nature has long been associated with healing, relaxation, and rejuvenation. The vast landscapes and unique environments found at CapeNature reserves in South Africa offer the perfect backdrop for visitors looking for a wellness escape. Here are five CapeNature reserves that offer the perfect blend of outdoor adventure and wellness activities for visitors.

KAROO blog Reserve Campaigns 09 03
1 Jul 2023
The Cape Karoo: Tranquil Waterfalls, Stargazing Skies, Serenity, and Off the Grid

The Cape Karoo is truly a remarkable place with its rugged mountain ranges and captivating plant life. Its unique beauty lies in the serene and secluded surroundings, offering a sense of tranquillity and peace. The region is renowned for its historic wonders, including the famous Cango Caves, which showcase breath taking underground formations and enchanting waterfalls that cascade down rocky cliffs, adding to its natural allure.

Protea High School recieving trees and seeds from Cape Nature for Greening Initiative Project
20 Jun 2023
CapeNature Support Schools and Communities With Sustainable Indigenous Gardens

CapeNature recently launched its Greening Initiatives, a new project under its Plant One Million Trees campaign. The project intends to help communities and schools become more environmentally friendly by assisting them with planning, creating, and maintaining indigenous gardens, with the emphasis on sustainable gardening practices.

Day 4 of Holiday Program at Koppie Alleen Beach Clean up
13 Jun 2023 by Phunyuzwa Xhegwana and Phindile Gazu
Biodiversity Crimes Awareness Initiatives in the South Landscape

CapeNature is a managing authority that protects naturally occurring plant and animal life (biodiversity) in the Western Cape. Awareness and capacity-building initiatives were conducted in collaboration with local stakeholders in the respective landscape units.

WC So CR22 Biodiversity Status graphic
13 Jun 2023 by Philippa Huntly, Mainstream Specialist
The Biodiversity of the Western Cape

The annual CapeNature Conservation Review provides an opportunity to highlight some of the achievements over the last year related to our work in Biodiversity Conservation, Tourism, and Community Engagement.

SCOR 2023
2 Jun 2023
Conservation Review 2023

As we celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th, CapeNature is thrilled to present a selection of captivating presentations that were prepared for the 2023 Conservation Review.

26 May 2023
Going Green: Establishing Sustainable School and Community Gardens

CapeNature, has recently launched a new project under its Plant One Million Tree Campaign. The Greening Initiatives project aims to help schools and communities become more environmentally friendly by providing assistance in planning, creating, and maintaining indigenous gardens and garden areas.

24 May 2023
CapeNature video production recognized at the 5th International Tourism Film Festival Africa

One of CapeNature’s video productions, “Customer Service values - Eco-tourism and Biodiversity Conservation” filmed at its popular Gamkaberg Nature Reserve, was selected among 378 entries from 59 countries as a finalist at the 5th  Edition of the International Tourism Film Festival Africa (ITFFA). 

Algeria Campsite in the Cederberg Wilderness Area is the perfect retreat for winter
22 May 2023
Escape the Winter - 13 Reserves That Suit a Tight Budget

CapeNature is thrilled to unveil an irresistible offer that will warm your heart and your wallet. Immerse yourself in the #CapeNatureWinterWarmer promotion, where you can indulge in nature's finest, cosy fireplaces and eco-friendly hot tubs while enjoying a phenomenal 40% discount on bookings made between 1 May and 31 July 2023.

Figure 1 Watercolour illustration of Aponogeton distachyos
19 May 2023 by Ruida Stanvliet
Aponogeton distachyos: The Waterblommetjie

One can only marvel at the art of botanical drawings. In Figure 1, a coloured engraving of flowering and fruiting stems of Aponogeton distachyos, by F. Sansom, after S. Edwards (Wellcome Collection) can be seen. This very old drawing, done around 1810, beautifully depicts the different parts of this specific plant, best known in the Afrikaans vernacular as waterblommetjies.