Groenvlei Carp Project

The Invasive Fish Species Management Non Profit Company (IFSM) consists of a group of volunteers that approached CapeNature in 2018 to remove invasive carp from Groenvlei lake by means of fishing bows. Landscape South fauna image_Great White Shark Hennie Otto
Monitoring the Great White Shark

The waters around Dyer Island are an important seasonal feeding ground for great white sharks. Researchers working through Dyer Island Conservation Trust have demonstrated a decrease in white shark sightings around the island since 2017. 

Fig 2 The Brenton Blue butterfly Orachrysops niobe a Male Photo credit A Coetzer
Possibly extinct Brenton blue butterfly

Of the two localities at which it is known to have occurred, the Brenton blue butterfly is now extinct at one (Nature’s Valley) and possibly extinct at the other (the Brenton Blue Butterfly Reserve near Knysna).

Berg River Redfin
Conservation of Barrydale redfin

The tiny Critically Endangered Barrydale redfin, for example, is limited to just 40 km2 in the Tradouw catchment where it is threatened by water abstraction, pollution and alien fish.

Amphibians frog animal
Rough moss frog

The rough moss frog occurs at a single locality on the southern slopes of the Klein Swartberg Mountain. The main threats to this species are invasive alien plants and too-frequent fires.

Geometric Tortoise
Monitoring of the critically endangered Geometric tortoise

The geometric tortoise occurs only in the low-lying renosterveld shrublands of the Swartland, Upper Breede River Valley and Ceres Valley. Landscape South fauna image_Bontebok Kevin Shaw
Bontebok conservation

The Greater De Hoop Conservation Area is the stronghold of bontebok conservation. Together, De Hoop Nature Reserve and the adjacent Overberg Test Range support almost half of all bontebok on protected areas.

5 2 3 6 Ecological monitoring De Hoop Cape Vulture Kevin Shaw
Monitoring the Cape Vulture Colony

The Cape Vulture Colony at De Hoop Nature Reserve is one of the few populations of Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) that is increasing in numbers. This is the only resident vulture within the Western Cape and is currently is listed as endangered. According to the IUCN conservation status report the global population is decreasing.