Empowering women to grow through CapeNature
CapeNature has a special EPWP programme to empower women through peer assistance, informative talks, nature walks, talks, yoga, meditation and special events.

Tag and Release fishing project

Goukamma Estuary Management
The Goukamma Estuary forms part of the Goukamma Nature Reserve Complex and is situated in the south-eastern region of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Its main tributary, the Goukamma River, originates in the Outeniqua Mountains as the Homtini River.

Cape mountain zebra project
Cape mountain zebras once roamed over most of the Cape’s mountainous areas where enough water, shelter and grazing were found. Illegal hunting and competition for natural grazing with livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys, saw their numbers plummet until conservation measures managed to reverse the trend.

Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP)
The Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme (SKEP) is a long-term, multi-stakeholder bioregional conservation and development programme. It began as a bi-national initiative between Namibia and South Africa to conserve the succulent Karoo ecosystem. SKEP is supported by conservationists in the Northern, Eastern and Western Cape and Namibia, the Botanical Institute of South Africa and the international non-government organisation, Conservation International.

Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy
In 1999, a group of landowners established a conservancy to protect the fynbos in Walker Bay in the Western Cape. The conservancy collectively manages 12 179 hectares of land. The Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy uses cooperative partnerships to conserve the natural splendour of the south-western Cape coast. The Cape floral region, home to the sixth, and smallest, floral kingdom in the world, is internationally recognised as a biodiversity hotspot and a world heritage site.

Working for Wetlands
Working for Wetlands uses wetland rehabilitation to create jobs, develop skills and promote the wise use of wetlands. It achieves this by creating partnerships between landowners, communities, civil society and the private sector. The project offers technical expertise to landowners and collaborates with local partners to set rehabilitation objectives for wetlands. In addition to the vocational skills it provides to project workers, Working for Wetlands also provides training in literacy, primary health, personal finance and promotes HIV/Aids awareness.

Save our fynbos fish
In the Western Cape, ancient, endangered and endemic fish are only found in rivers in a good ecological conditions. A remarkable 24 of the 27 fish species found in the Cape floral region are found nowhere else in the world. They are known as fynbos fish, as they thrive in streams surrounded by fynbos.