Group Action Projects: For the Love of Birds

Build an Owl Box

Owl boxes are great for attracting owls to your garden and give them a safe haven. The size and location will depend on the owl you are trying to attract. Research, build and place an owl box for this action project. Send us a picture of the finished project and your group will earn 150 points!

Group Action Projects: For the Love of Birds

Visit a Bird Hide

By visiting and supporting conservation areas, you will contribute to the conservation of birds and all the other species that these places aim to protect. Many nature reserves offer visitors the opportunity to look at birds from a bird hide and bird watching is a common and well-liked hobby in the Western Cape. Bird hides hide your presence from the birds, making birdwatching easier on both the watcher and the birds. These spaces also offer birdwatchers protection from weather and prevent environmental intrusion.

Visit a bird hide and see what birds you can identify. Send us a picture of your group visiting the nature reserve and bird hide. Earn 200 points. Remember to ask for a bird chart or list when entering a nature reserve – many nature reserves will give you one for free.

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