Adult education

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2025 World Wetlands Day Infographic

An informative infographic about how wetlands protect our future. 

A guide to the biological control of alien invasive Hakea species

A guide to the biological control of alien invasive Hakea species is a manual that allows you to identify the various Hakea species which are declared weeds in South Africa, identify all the biological control agents that are available for use, and how and when to implement these agents. 

Algemene boerdery aktiwiteite - wanneer benodig u omgewingsmagtiging?

'n Handige inligtingstuk vir alle boere wat wil weet wanneer omgewingsmagtiging benodig word. Gerieflikheidshalwe is daar ook 'n lys van kontakpersone en hulle besonderhede ingesluit.

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Radio clips- Biodiversity as an Essential Service Giving us Food, Air and Water

Listen to these informative radio clips about biodiversity as an essential service providing food, water and air. 

Environmental authorisation for common farming activities _ English

A handy guideline for farmers indicating when one needs environmental authorisation for common farming activities.

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Flipchart: fire awareness

There are two kinds of fire: useful fires and harmful (or dangerous) fires. We use useful fires to cook, keep us warm or braai. Harmful fires, on the other hand, can cause serious damage to lives and livelihoods, including causing the death of animals or burning down homes. 

How to detect a shot-hole borer attack

The Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer (PSHB) is a tiny invasive black beetle from Asia that has recently arrived in South Africa.

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Infographic series: marine and waste – source to sea, reduce your footprint, trash-free oceans

These fun, informative infographics will help you learn how to reduce the waste that often ends up in our oceans.