Adult education

Infographic - Wetlands Day - How Wetlands Protect Our Future

Infographic: Biodiversity – about mountains
Do you know the difference between a hill and a mountain? Landforms that are 600m high or higher are classified as mountains. Mountains are home to 15% of the world’s population and cover 22% of the surface of the earth.

Infographic: Biodiversity – five forest species found in the Western Cape
Meet five interesting forest species found in the Western Cape.

Infographic: Biodiversity – pamper your plants
Plants are part of our daily lives. For some tips on how to pamper your plants at home, have a look at this infographic!

Infographic: Biodiversity – plants and nutrition
Learn all about plants’ important role in nutrition.

Infographic: Biodiversity – wildlife sustaining life on Earth: World Wildlife Day
World Wildlife Day is celebrated on 3 March every year to raise awareness around the world’s wild animals and plants.
Infographic: Fire Safety and Prevention
Do you know what needs to be done to prevent fire and what to do in event of an evacuation? Find out with these fire inforgraphics that have tips to help you be FireSafe.

Infographic: Fisheries
This beautifully illustrated infographic shows how important our fisheries are to our well-being.

Infographic: Freshwater fishing guide
Fancy fishing? Find out where and how you can fish in the Western Cape.

Infographic: Groundwater
Every wonder what ground water is and how it works? This infographic explains how important ground water is to us.

Infographic: recycling and energy
How does recycling save energy? Is there a connection? Have a look at this Earth Day infographic to find out.

Infographic: Recycling and energy
Recycling saves energy - find out how with this interesting infographic on waste and energy