Presentation: Magical Forests: all about forest biodiversity
Forests play a vital role in biodiversity. They provide food and shelter for the many species found in them. In forests, some animals live in the forest canopy while others live on the ground and under shrubs and all share an interconnected food chain.
Presentation: Marine Biodiversity - The Fabulous Forms of Fish
There are some 2 600 species of fish in our seas including 270 families of fishes represented in South Africa, equivalent to 83% of all marine fish families known. Strikingly, up to 13% are endemic, ranking amongst the highest anywhere else in the world.
Presentation: Marine Biodiversity - World Fisheries Day
World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on the 21st of November to highlight the importance of fish stocks in our oceans. Fishing provides food and jobs for people and in return boosts a country's economy.
Presentation: Marine Month - grade 6 - food chains and food webs
October is national Marine Month. This month is dedicated to celebrating our marine life. Did you know that our oceans produce more oxygen than the Amazon rainforest? They control our climate and give us food. Discover how we can protect our marine ecosystems for the health of the planet – and ourselves.
Presentation: The web of life - all about interdependence
The world is made up of a variety of plants and animals, and we call the variety of life on Earth biodiversity. These make up the web of life, where each living thing depends on the other for survival.
Presentation: Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles
South African turtles, terrapins and tortoises. South Africa has five of the seven kinds of sea turtles occurring in its coastal and off-shore waters.
Protection levels show imperiled SA reptiles not sufficiently safe-guarded despite low extinction risk
Biological Conservation 233:61-72. K.A. Tolley, J. Weeber, B. Maritz, L. Verburgt, M.F. Bates, W. Conradie, M.D. Hofmeyr, A.A. Turner, J.M. da Silva and G.J. Alexander. 2019.
Quantitative evaluation of hybridization and the impact on biodiversity conservation
Ecology and Evolution, 7: 320–330. Van Wyk, A.M., Dalton, D.L., Hoban, S., Bruford, M.W., Russo, I-R.M., Birss, C., Grobler, P., van Vuuren, B.J. and Kotzé, A. 2017.
Quiz solution Classification of plants and animals International Day of Biological Diversity Grade 7
Do you know why the Western Cape's biodiversity is so special? Can you name the four kingdoms living things can be divided up into? Take our parent and teacher quiz today to see how much you know about this fascinating kingdom.
Radio clips: Interview with a Tree
Listen to these fun radio clips as kids interview a variety of trees on curriculum related topics in the 2020 and 2022 Arbor Day Interview with a Tree Competition. There are so many interesting things to learn about trees. Give it a try!