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2025 World Wetlands Day Infographic

An informative infographic about how wetlands protect our future. 

A framework to measure the wildness of managed large vertebrate populations

Conservation Biology. Child, M.F., Nel, L., Sellier, S.A.J., Power, J., Birss, C., Radloff, F.G.T., Taylor, A., Davies-Moster, H., Okes, N., Mallon, D., Hoffman, M. 2019.

Adaptive governance of Cape mountain zebra - can it work?

Adaptive governance and network governance theory provide a useful conceptual framework to guide the conservation of threatened species in complex multi-actor, multi-jurisdictional social ecological systems.

African Journal of Wildlife Research Vol. 47, No. 2. Novellie, P., Birss, C., Cowell, C., Kerley, G.I.H., Peinke, D., Pfab, M., Sellier, J. and Zimmerman, D. 2017

    Algemene boerdery aktiwiteite - wanneer benodig u omgewingsmagtiging?

    'n Handige inligtingstuk vir alle boere wat wil weet wanneer omgewingsmagtiging benodig word. Gerieflikheidshalwe is daar ook 'n lys van kontakpersone en hulle besonderhede ingesluit.

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    Radio Interview Biodiversity Crime Cape Talk

    A radio interview about biodiversity crime in the Western Cape

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    Radio clips- Biodiversity as an Essential Service Giving us Food, Air and Water

    Listen to these informative radio clips about biodiversity as an essential service providing food, water and air. 

    CapeNature Consumptive Use Policy 2019

    The Western Cape Nature Conservation Board Policy Document Control

    Conservation implications of establishment success of Critically Endangered Twee River redfin in an artificial impoundment

    This study reports the first known record of breeding of the Critically Endangered Twee River redfin ‘Pseudobarbus’ erubescens in an artificial impoundment.

    Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Jordaan, M.S., Van der Walt, J.A., Brink, Z., Erasmus, S. and Weyl O.L.F. 2017.

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      Conservation: LoveNature with Mbali Series _ isiXhosa

      Join nature lover and conservationist Mbali as she covers all the relevant topics on species conservation and biodiversity from Natural Sciences and Technology subject matter. Learn about what the living and non-living thing is, why ecosystems and interdependence are important, what the biosphere is and what classification is. These videos are aligned to the curriculum on topics covered in the classroom. Available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

      Draft 2024 Western Cape Protected Areas Expansion Strategy

      The Draft 2024 Western Cape Protected Areas Expansion Strategy is now out for public comment. You can read all about it here.

      Environmental authorisation for common farming activities _ English

      A handy guideline for farmers indicating when one needs environmental authorisation for common farming activities.

      Global conservation status of turtles and tortoises (Order Testudines)

      Chelonian Conservation and Biology 17(2):135-161. Rhodin, A.G.J. (and 59 other authors, incl. Baard, E.H.W.). 2018.