
Goukamma Nature Reserve Survival Guide kit

Thank you for choosing Goukamma Nature Reserve as your preferred destination. It is a Marine Protected Area, situated on the Garden Route This reserve has a diverse array of fascinating habitats and an abundance of smaller wildlife,birds and fish. 

Has strategic planning made a difference to amphibian conservation research in South Africa?

Bothalia 49. Measey, J., Tarrant, J., Rebelo, A., Turner, A.A., Du Preez, L., Mokhatla, M. & Conradie, W. 2019.

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Infographic: Marine Protected Areas

This infographic explains what a Marine Protected Area is and why they are so important

Intentional Genetic Manipulation as a conservation threat

Russo, I.M., Hoban, S., Bloomer, P., Kotze, A., Segelbacher, G., Rushworth, I., Birss, C., Bruford, M. 2018.

Intentional Genetic Manipulation as a conservation threat
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Lesson plan and presentation: Holistic predation management

This general awareness programme investigates holistic predation management.

Monitoring temporal changes in genetic diversity of Cape mountain zebra

This study aims to determine the impact of management on genetic diversity in three key populations of the Cape mountain zebra. Our results show a substantial loss of heterozygosity across the Cape mountain zebra populations studied. Authors: Kotzé A, Smith RM, Moodley Y, Birss C, Grobler JP, Dalton DL. 2019.

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Infographic - International Mountain Day - Solutions for a Sustainable Future