
Policy: Honeybee colonies in CapeNature Protected Areas

The purpose of this policy is to regulate the placement of honey bee colonies on CapeNature Protected Areas.

The policy is issued in terms of Section 16(1)(e) of the Nature Conservation Ordinance No. 19 of 1974 and seeks to achieve the objectives and purposes of the Ordinance.

Polyphageous Shot Hole Borer

Frequently Asked Questions of the Polyphageous Shot Hole Borer

Position Statement on The Consumptive Use of Wild Flora

Position Statement on the Consumptive Use of Wild Flora

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Presentation: Marine Month and Legislation

Learn about the marine laws that govern and protect our marine environments

Priorities for protected area research

Dudley, N. (and 46 other authors, incl. Hayward, N.A.) 2018.

Protection levels show imperiled SA reptiles not sufficiently safe-guarded despite low extinction risk

Biological Conservation 233:61-72. K.A. Tolley, J. Weeber, B. Maritz, L. Verburgt, M.F. Bates, W. Conradie, M.D. Hofmeyr, A.A. Turner, J.M. da Silva and G.J. Alexander. 2019.

Quantitative evaluation of hybridization and the impact on biodiversity conservation

Ecology and Evolution, 7: 320–330. Van Wyk, A.M., Dalton, D.L., Hoban, S., Bruford, M.W., Russo, I-R.M., Birss, C., Grobler, P., van Vuuren, B.J. and Kotzé, A. 2017.

Radio Interview: Water & Biodiversity -Wetlands Day 2020

Learn all about the importance of wetlands in these English and Afrikaans radio interviews.

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Radio Interview_ Biodiversity - Illegal Harvesting

Listen to our Field Rangers talk about biodiversity crime.

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Radio Interview: Climate Change - Earth Day

Learn about what Earth Day is, why it is important and how it is linked to climate change.