Reconstruction of the historical distribution ranges of imperilled stream fishes
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30:144–158. Chakona A, Gouws G, Kadye WT, Jordaan MS & Swartz ER. 2020.
Regulations _ Farming Activities _ isiXhosa

Short Siyaya Project Overview
State of Biodiversity Report 2002
CapeNature launched its State of Biodiversity Programme (SoBP) to assess and monitor the state of biodiversity in the Western Cape in 1999. This is the programme's first report.
State of Biodiversity Report 2007
CapeNature launched its State of Biodiversity Programme (SoBP) to assess and monitor the state of biodiversity in the Western Cape in 1999. This programme delivered its first report in 2002 and these reports are updated every five years. This is the second report.
State of Biodiversity Report 2012
CapeNature has compiled State of Biodiversity reports every five years since 2002 and this is the third report. These reports aim to give some indication of the state of the ecosystems of the Western Cape Province (WCP) and their constituents which are the many species that occur in this province.
State of Biodiversity Report 2017
CapeNature has compiled State of Biodiversity reports every five years since 2002 and this is the fourth report. These reports aim to give some indication of the state of the ecosystems of the Western Cape Province (WCP) and their constituents which are the many species that occur in this province.
State of Conservation Report 2020
This is the first annual State of Conservation Report for the Western Cape. This succinct and visually rich report provides an overview of the status of priority conservation indicators as at the end 2019. The report highlights achievements, challenges, impacts and urgent actions required.
State of Conservation Report 2021
The entity endeavours to provide annual snapshots of the conservation status of species and ecosystems, highlighting achievements and impacts. This is the second State of Conservation Report that will inform the Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report, as mandated by the newly assented Western Cape Biodiversity Act.
State of Conservation Report 2022
This is the third State of Conservation Report to inform the periodic Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report, as mandated by the newly assented Western Cape Biodiversity Act, aimed at providing the status of indicators for assessing the global state of biodiversity.
State of Conservation Report 2024
This is the first State of Conservation Report to inform the next iteration of the Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report to be released in 2028.
The implications of reclassification of South African wildlife species as farm animals
South African Journal of Science 116. Somers, M.J., Walters, M., Measey, J., Strauss, W.M., Turner, A.A., Venter, J.A., Nel, L., Kerley, G.I.H., Taylor, W.A. & Moodley, Y. 2020.