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For teachers
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Lesson plan and presentation – water cycle (Grade 4)

This lesson plans covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

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Lesson plan and presentation: Biodiversity and soil – teachers' workshop (Grade 5)

Planet Earth is made of rocks. This workshop aimed at teachers focuses on important topics such as biodiversity and soil conservation. 

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Lesson plan and presentation: Biodiversity Day – soil is life (Grade 5 – teachers’ workshop)

Teachers workshop: Natural Science and Technology for Grade 5 on planet Earth and beyond, systems and control (the surface of the Earth)
* Rocks
* Soil types

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Lesson plan and presentation: food chains – Grade 6

Learn all about food chains and ecosystems. There are one-hour and three-hour lesson options available.

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Lesson plan and presentation: structure of plants – Plant Appreciation Day

This lesson plan and presentation for Grade 4 teachers cover the structure of plants.

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Lesson plan and presentation: structure of plants – Plant Appreciation Day (Grade 4)

Learn all about the structure of plants. 

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: Water - Pollution and Wetlands - Grade 6

Learn all about wetlands, what threatens them and what we can do about it! 

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: World Environment Day - The Air We Breathe (pollution) Grade 9

In this lesson plan and presentation, students will be exposed to a variety of topics around the weather and climate change, including the greenhouse effect, global warming (the atmosphere) and the different causes of climate change. 

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Lesson Plan: Biodiversity - Plants and Animals on Earth - Grade 5

This lesson plan deals with topics including biodiversity and the different plants and animals on Earth.

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Pamphlet: Careers in Conservation Grade 11-12

Learn about all the careers that are possible in conservation. 

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Presentation: Marine Month - grade 6 - food chains and food webs

October is national Marine Month. This month is dedicated to celebrating our marine life. Did you know that our oceans produce more oxygen than the Amazon rainforest? They control our climate and give us food. Discover how we can protect our marine ecosystems for the health of the planet – and ourselves.

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Quiz solution Classification of plants and animals International Day of Biological Diversity Grade 7

Do you know why the Western Cape's biodiversity is so special? Can you name the four kingdoms living things can be divided up into? Take our parent and teacher quiz today to see how much you know about this fascinating kingdom.