Engage Nature

Down, but not out: Recent decline of Berg-Breede River whitefish (Barbus andrewi) in the upper Hex River South Africa

The Berg–Breede River whitefish, Barbus andrewi, an endangered Cape Floristic Region endemic, was once widespread in both the Berg and Breede River catchments. However, its distribution has been strongly reduced, apparently by human-related activities, over the last century, and the Hex River now contains one of the last recruiting populations within its native range.

Koedoe 59(1). Shelton, J., Impson, N.D., Graham, S. and Esler, K. 2017.

    Eco-Sense issue 54
    Eco-Sense Issue Issue #58
    EcoSense Issue 55

    EcoSense Issue 55

    EcoSense Issue 57

    EcoSense Issue 57

    EcoSense Issue 59

    EcoSense Issue 59

    EcoSense Issue 60

    EcoSense Issue 60

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