Engage Nature

State of Conservation Report 2024

This is the first State of Conservation Report to inform the next iteration of the Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report to be released in 2028.

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Video Webinar: Biodiversity World Ranger Day 2020

Learn about the important work that rangers do, the threats to biodiversity and what can be done to conserve it. Also learn what the day in the life of a field ranger is about. 

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Video: A Marine Safari Webinar

A webinar about marine ecosystems and what is being done to protect them.

Vrolijkheid Info-Sheet
Western Cape Biodiversity Act 6 of 2021

The stated purpose of the Act is to provide for the framework and institutions for nature conservation and the protection, management and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems in the Western Cape; and for matters incidental thereto. This is to ensure human well-being and the long-term resilience of society and the economy through the conservation of protected areas.

Whale Trail and De Hoop Inforsheet
What is the shot-hole Borer?
who to call for fire alert
Wild Card Current Rates