I am in Grade 6

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Infographic series: marine and waste – source to sea, reduce your footprint, trash-free oceans

These fun, informative infographics will help you learn how to reduce the waste that often ends up in our oceans. 

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Infographic: Biodiversity – wildlife sustaining life on Earth: World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day is celebrated on 3 March every year to raise awareness around the world’s wild animals and plants.

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Infographic: Fisheries

This beautifully illustrated infographic shows how important our fisheries are to our well-being. 

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Infographic: Water saving tips and valuing water

Learn just how precious water is and how you can save it by making small changes. 

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Infographic: Wetlands and people

Wetlands are important to people. Find out why with this infographic. 

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Interview with a tree competition Winners
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Lesson plan and presentation – Marine Month and food chains (Grade 6): one hour

What are ecosystems and food webs? Why are ecosystems and food webs important to us? In this lesson plan and presentation, you’ll learn methods to help you identify threats to ecosystems and solutions to these threats, and find out how ecosystems and the food web are created.

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Lesson plan and presentation: food chains – Grade 6

Learn all about food chains and ecosystems. There are one-hour and three-hour lesson options available.