I am in Grade 7

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Infographic: Fisheries

This beautifully illustrated infographic shows how important our fisheries are to our well-being. 

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Infographic: recycling and energy

How does recycling save energy? Is there a connection? Have a look at this Earth Day infographic to find out.

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Infographic: Recycling and energy

Recycling saves energy - find out how with this interesting infographic on waste and energy

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Infographic: Water saving tips and valuing water

Learn just how precious water is and how you can save it by making small changes. 

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Interview with a tree competition Winners
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Lesson plan and presentation: Energy – renewable and non-renewable resources (Grade 7)

Use this lesson plan and presentation to teach and learn all about renewable and non-renewable resources.

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: Waste - Recycling - youth and adults

Learn about recycling - how it's done and why it is important.

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Presentation: Exploring life underwater – our marine biodiversity

Marine biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life that we find in the oceans and seas. Marine biodiversity must be preserved because it creates jobs through tourism, provides raw materials for medicine and acts as a food source for both human beings and other animals. 

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Presentation: Magical Forests: all about forest biodiversity

Forests play a vital role in biodiversity. They provide food and shelter for the many species found in them. In forests, some animals live in the forest canopy while others live on the ground and under shrubs and all share an interconnected food chain.