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Infographic: Water saving tips and valuing water

Learn just how precious water is and how you can save it by making small changes. 

Infrographic Arbour Day 2022 Tips on Planting Responsibly

In celebration of Arbour Week, join the Plant One Million Trees Movement and make a difference.

Ironwood Eco-venue fact sheet

Ironwood Eco-venue at Grootvadersbosch Nature Reserve offers a curriculum-aligned eco-programme available seven days a week. Have a look at the fact sheet below for more information.

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Lesson plan and presentation: Biodiversity crime – youth and adults

Learn about illegal biodiversity activities that threaten our indigenous wild animals and plants and what can be done to prevent these crimes.

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Lesson plan and presentation: Energy and electricity – youth and adults

Saving energy is an important part of sustainable living. This presentation and lesson plan offer both youth groups and adults the information and tools to understand the value of energy and how to conserve it in our daily lives.

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Lesson plan and presentation: Fabulous flora of the Western Cape – youth and adults

This lesson plan will help you run a programme on the incredible flora of the Western Cape with communities or young people.

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Lesson plan and presentation: Fire – general awareness (youth and adults)

This lesson plan looks at the causes of fire, how to report them, and how to become fire wise and prevent them. 

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Lesson plan and presentation: Invasive species – youth and adults

Learn all about the problem of invasive species in the Western Cape, the possible solutions, and what CapeNature is doing.

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: Waste - Composting - youth and adults

Learn about why waste is harmful and how composting can help.

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: Waste - Recycling - youth and adults

Learn about recycling - how it's done and why it is important.

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: Water - Sustainable Living - youth and adults

Learn what can be done through this practical water saving programme.

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Lesson Plan and Presentation: World Environment Day - The Air We Breathe (pollution) Grade 9

In this lesson plan and presentation, students will be exposed to a variety of topics around the weather and climate change, including the greenhouse effect, global warming (the atmosphere) and the different causes of climate change.