Invasive aliens
Effect of an intensive mechanical removal effort on a population of non-native rainbow trout in a SA headwater stream.
Invasions by non‐native species can compromise the conservation value of otherwise pristine headwater streams. While both developed and developing countries recognize this threat, few of the latter have suitable budgets to implement control programmes.
Shelton, J., Weyl, O., Van der Walt, J., Marr, S., Impson D., Maciejewski K., Dallas, H., Tye, D. and Esler, K. 2017.
Infographic - Shot-Hole Borer 2023

Lesson plan and presentation: Invasive species – youth and adults
Learn all about the problem of invasive species in the Western Cape, the possible solutions, and what CapeNature is doing.
Quantifying errors and omissions in alien species lists The introduction status of Melaleuca species in SA as a case study
NeoBiota 32: 89-105. Jacobs, L.E.O., Richardson, D.M., Lepschi, B.J. and Wilson, J.R.U. 2017.
Radio Interview: Alien Invasive Fish - English

Radio Interview: Biodiversity - Alien Invasive Vegetation
Rapid recovery of macroinvertebrates in a South African stream treated with rotenone
Bellingan, T.A., Hugo, S., Woodford, D.J., Gouws, J., Villet, M.H. and Weyl, O.L.F. 2019.Hydrobiologia. 2019.
Record of Blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus in the Eerste River catchment Western Cape Province South Africa
African J. Aquatic Sciences pp 187-193. Marr, S.M., Gouws, G., Avlijas, S., Khosa, D., Impson, D., vd Westhuizen, M. and Weyl, O. 2018
Successful mechanical eradication of spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) from a South African river
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Van der Walt, R., Marr, S., Wheeler, M., Impson, D., Garrow, C. and Weyl. O. 2018.
Unexpected survival of sharptooth catfish during acute rotenone toxicity trials will complicate management of invasions.
Biological Invasions. Jordaan, M.S., Dalu, T., Wasserman, R.J., Slabbert, E. and Weyl, O.L.F. 2017.

Video World Environment Day: Ecosystem Restoration with Mbali
Join Mbali as she interviews experts that are involved in ecosystem restoration. Available in English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa and isiZulu.