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For teachers
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Infographic: Wetlands and people

Wetlands are important to people. Find out why with this infographic. 

Infrographic Arbour Day 2022 Tips on Planting Responsibly

In celebration of Arbour Week, join the Plant One Million Trees Movement and make a difference.

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Interview with a tree competition Winners
Ironwood Eco-venue fact sheet

Ironwood Eco-venue at Grootvadersbosch Nature Reserve offers a curriculum-aligned eco-programme available seven days a week. Have a look at the fact sheet below for more information.

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Lesson Plan and Presentation Fire Grade 5 1hr

This lesson plan and presentation will focus on raising awareness around fires by looking at safety measures people can use at home and in the environment to help prevent fires. It will also focus on the advantages and disadvantages of fire and differentiate between flammable and non-flammable items.

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Lesson plan and presentation – Marine Month and food chains (Grade 6): one hour

What are ecosystems and food webs? Why are ecosystems and food webs important to us? In this lesson plan and presentation, you’ll learn methods to help you identify threats to ecosystems and solutions to these threats, and find out how ecosystems and the food web are created.

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Lesson plan and presentation – water cycle (Grade 4)

This lesson plans covers the water cycle, why water is important and the states of matter.

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Lesson plan and presentation: Biodiversity and soil – teachers' workshop (Grade 5)

Planet Earth is made of rocks. This workshop aimed at teachers focuses on important topics such as biodiversity and soil conservation. 

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Lesson plan and presentation: Energy transfer and energy chains – Grade 4

We use energy for everything we do – we get our energy from food, and the energy in our food comes from the sun. Plants also use the energy from the sun to make food for animals and people. This presentation and lesson plan is ideal for teachers.