
2023 State of Biodiversity Report
CapeNature has compiled State of Biodiversity reports every five years since 2002, and this is the fifth report. Building on the 2017 CapeNature State of Biodiversity Report, the last report published in the series, the 2023 Western Cape State of Biodiversity Report (2023 WC SOBR) covers the period from April 2017 to March 2023.
Algemene boerdery aktiwiteite - wanneer benodig u omgewingsmagtiging?
'n Handige inligtingstuk vir alle boere wat wil weet wanneer omgewingsmagtiging benodig word. Gerieflikheidshalwe is daar ook 'n lys van kontakpersone en hulle besonderhede ingesluit.
Cape Peninsula Baboon Management Memorandum of Agreement
EcoSense Issue 63
Environmental authorisation for common farming activities _ English
A handy guideline for farmers indicating when one needs environmental authorisation for common farming activities.
List of Scientific Publications 2017 to 2023
Preventing hybridization of Cape mountain zebra
Hartmann’s zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae) and plains zebra (Equus quagga burchelli) were introduced into the Western Cape. Some of these animals escaped from their points of introduction and now roam freely across the landscape.
Priorities for protected area research
Dudley, N. (and 46 other authors, incl. Hayward, N.A.) 2018.
Regulations _ Farming Activities _ isiXhosa
State of Biodiversity Report 2002
CapeNature launched its State of Biodiversity Programme (SoBP) to assess and monitor the state of biodiversity in the Western Cape in 1999. This is the programme's first report.
State of Biodiversity Report 2007
CapeNature launched its State of Biodiversity Programme (SoBP) to assess and monitor the state of biodiversity in the Western Cape in 1999. This programme delivered its first report in 2002 and these reports are updated every five years. This is the second report.