World Water Day
22 March 2024
World Water Day is celebrated annually on 22 March. This day highlights a specific aspect of water which in 2024 will be “Leveraging Water for Peace”.
Water can be a tool for peace when communities and countries cooperate over this precious shared resource. But, water can also spark and intensify conflict when access is denied and usage unfairly shared. World Water Day 2024 is about working together to balance everyone’s needs, with a dedication to ensure no one is left behind, to make water a catalyst for a more peaceful world.
Cubs Club Groups that are interested in a water programme during March, can contact CapeNature will arrange a programme at your school or alternately, you may visit one of our nature reserves. Programmes are aimed at the grades 4 and 5 curriculum but are suited to grades 3, 6 and 7 too.
Cubs, look out for an invitation to these programmes!