Young adult education

Fire preparedness
It only takes one spark to start a wildfire that can quickly expand over thousands of hectares, endangering lives, properties, livelihoods and biodiversity. This is how you can prepare to be fire-ready.

Flipchart: fire awareness
There are two kinds of fire: useful fires and harmful (or dangerous) fires. We use useful fires to cook, keep us warm or braai. Harmful fires, on the other hand, can cause serious damage to lives and livelihoods, including causing the death of animals or burning down homes.
Goshawk Eco-venue fact sheet
Goshawk Eco-venue at Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve offers a wide range of activities for different sized groups. Have a look at the fact sheet below for more information.

Infographic - Wetlands Day 2024 - Wetlands and Wellbeing
Infographic - Shot-Hole Borer 2023

Infographic - Marine Protected Areas 2024
Infographic Mountain Day Women and Mountains 2022
Women play a key role in environmental protection and social and economic development in mountain areas.
Infographic Plant Appreciation Day Responsible Planting 2022
The Western Cape has incredibly unique flora and planting should take place at the right time of the year. Help us work towards planting one million trees by planting one today!

Infographic series: marine and waste – source to sea, reduce your footprint, trash-free oceans
These fun, informative infographics will help you learn how to reduce the waste that often ends up in our oceans.

Infographic - World Water Day 2023
Infographic Water Day Water Scarcity 2022
March 22nd is annually observed as World Water Day.